APR | 06 | SAT |
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Doing everything and nothing at the same time
Last night it felt like I traveled the world without leaving my bed; I stayed up until 2 in the morning just browsing one personal website to the other. I might have visited about 20 websites and all I could think of was how every one of them are unique to each other, it's pretty amazing seeing how everyone expresses themselves in their own way :) [+++ Inspiration] I took note of some website ideas that I want to try one day and put my own personal spin to it. But when I opened my laptop today to work on something, I just had the urge to do everything I wrote down at the same time. I wanted to do this and this and this, but my spaghetti code says nope. I thought of automating stuff because it's kinda lot of work whenever I update even just one thing in the navigation. I ended up putting a lot of javascripts in my code that slowed down the loading time of each page. I mean, it's just a second longer but I was annoyed by it LOL I was used to almost instantaneous page load time.
Ughh, my perfectionism is kicking in, the party pooper which doesn't let me enjoy things and imperfections like unaligned containers or two-second page loading time, I bet whoever visits my site won't even notice it anyway. I was also getting frustrated with how disorganized and illogical my dashboard is, how poorly accessible my site is. I want to just... haul everything and start over again!! I even thought 'what if I just redesign the whole site??' for a minute then thankfully some invincible force knocked some sense to my head, like hello!! I only started a week ago. I'm definitely getting ahead of myself.
I want to remind myself to take things slow and keep things simple... for now. I'm getting tunnel vision by designing the main pages so much that I forgot about making my custom pages, which I wanted to be the bulk of this site in the first place! I removed the auto-loading javascript and manually added my navbar to every main page LOL I'm sure future-me will be inconvenienced by it but I'll put the bunch of javascripts I collected yesterday and today for my next site redesign which would probably be... months from now. I should just focus on my custom pages because that's where I start with a blank page as a canvas to do whatever I like.
After dinner with my dad, I went back to my homepage and I'm back to being proud of my layout and all is well :) Man I just needed to eat LOL
Notes to self:
- Keep javascript to a minimum
- Accessibility first and foremost
- Eventually rewrite the main pages code to be more uniform with each other