Journal with me?
Welcome to my virtual desk!
I made a page dedicated for stationery because it's a huge part of my life. I have been collecting stickers and notebooks since I was 10 and journaling has been my source of comfort especially during college and the pandemic. I still even have my very first journal from when I was 13 and yes I still cringe a bit reading my edgy and dramatic entries about my first year in high school LOL
I love stationery because I love art. Plain and simple. Stationery items, simple as they may look at a glance, are works of art to me because they invoke an emotion within me, oftentimes joy but sometimes melancholy. Who wouldn't feel happy having bunch of stickers of things you like?! Also I use the term 'stationery' quite loosely here because it would also be impossible for me not to talk about journaling as well! Cute stickers = more motivation to journal = better mental health. A win-win situation for me! o/
Both of them also helped me discover my aesthetic and undo my urgent need for perfectionism. Through the years, I learned what stuff I like and and somehow developed my 'aesthetic' just like how beginner artists develop an art style. It helped with building my identity and kind of affirming to myself that I don't have a personality of a wooden plank lol
On the left page is a list of items that I swore by and recommend to anyone interested. I'm no expert but I have experimented enough to know what worked for me and what did not. I think the nirvana of having a hobby/interest is when you are certain of what you like and what you didn't like, the latter is much much more important tbh! I'm still trying to get there lol But!! there's just so many notebooks and stickers and pens and and andand *passes out*
-Ahem, anyways. Feel free to click the index tabs on the side and if you're a stationery geek like I am, I'm always open to talk to ♥