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Setting boundaries on the web
Kind of an ironic sentence, isn't it? Last night before I closed my laptop, I suddenly had a random idea to set up an RSS feed for my blog posts. So of course I had to spend another 40 minutes figuring out which goes where and which does what. I saw two tutorials on how to manually set up one and again I'm very thankful for posts like those as a babey coder. I was a bit confused at first but eventually I got the file running and I even downloaded an RSS feeder just to check it on my phone LOL So I went to bed satisfied yet again with the stuff I've done on the site.
Then I woke up today and while on the shower I suddenly realized... erm I might not actually like the idea of having an RSS feed. It's actually too much work by updating it manually every post and I'm not trying to make maintaining this site like a part-time job. For now I'm literally updating here everyday but that's just because 1) I'm unemployed and 2) I'm still riding the high of trying out something new. But right now here is a safe space for me, away from the ads and algorithm, just me and my own silly little world. Sorry- I might be overthinking this LMAO but it's what I feel anyway. But still! if someone reads my blog posts, I want to thank you for reading even if it's mostly me talking to myself. I'm someone who reads anyone's blog posts when I visit a site tbh haha I'm kinda nosey and I like reading about other people's thoughts.
Whenever I post something here, it always reminds me of my livejournal days (oof my age is showing). I think my LJ phase was something I look back melancholically mostly because times felt simpler back then. When I was coming up of what I'll put in my site, I wanted a blog first and foremost, and I wanted it to emulate the stuff I did in livejournal.
As I said earlier, this has become my safe space lately. Even though I spend hours just to understand codes that seem elementary to some, I've never felt this fulfilled in a long while. Being unemployed since September left my mind very, very stagnant. I've always been the kind of person who wants to keep working, who wants to keep doing anything because I actually hate being inactive because that would mean more time to spiral to depression wheee. I was occupied until after I got home from my trip to visit my fiance on December and that's when the girlrotting started. I was just doomscrolling on the same three apps all day for weeks. Reading through discourse like newspaper on twitter every day was not It lol My mind was full but also empty at the same time.
Anyway, ever since I made this site, my screen time (on my phone, at least LOL) has drastically decreased and I literally forgot about opening those three apps for a few days. Honestly I still feel FOMO but it wasn't as bad as I expected. I opened twitter today after days of not looking at it and I got whiplash, being bombarded with bots, ads and Hot Takes everywhere lmao I scrolled just a bit and closed it after a few minutes LOL The hours I spent on doomscrolling is now replaced by hours of me in stackoverflow and codepen.io getting frustrated over js functions because WHY IS IT NOT SHOWING (answer: i didn't know what i was doing :D), and the latter never left me feeling dissatisfied with myself compared to the former. Actually! today I learned how javascript works and how it can basically do anything for me LOL just took me 5pm to 11:45pm because I attempted to use scripts in my site without zero prior knowledge on javascript haha no big deal ^_^ (someone even said "but please: When you want to build stuff with javascript, then learn javascript. Your questions are very, very basic. You really should spend some time learning the language." OK BRO CHILL tfw I was called out by a 2012 comment LMAO) yet another learning moment for me ww
Still trying to go at my own pace, both here and in life.
- niki