-'s Resources list
- code snippets
- includes minecraft resources
- amazing list ∠(`∪´) i could spend hours going through every link
- velvetyne libre friends: free and open source font collections
- computecuter: cute web and pc resources
- write-yourself-in: a one-time blog about blogging
- highly recommended to start here if you want to learn how to make a website!
- w3schools: learn how to code (this site saved me so many times)
- petrapixel's self-study coding checklist: i also highly recommend this site for beginners!
- archived geocities animated gif search engine
- ezgif: free online gif maker and toolset
- htmlcheatsheet: html, css and js references
- texteditor: includes kaomojis and ascii art ╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡
- HTML journal: make a journal page with atom feed
- catppuccin: pastel color palettes for accessibility
- colorffy: gradient, palette, color scheme generator
- remove bg for free
- learn markdown! now!
- flexboxfroggy: learn flexboxes with frogs
- how to make an 88x31 button with svg by
- create a website form using discord by
- making your site look good on mobile by lilaclynx
- how to make a static website with 11ty: aka the only tutorial that actually taught me how to use SSGs as a total beginner
- geocities animated gif search engine
- wowzow: archived web graphics
- drawcia: pngs optimized for web
- silentdevotion: cartoon dolls, blinkies, buttons
- velvetyne: open source fonts (i love u)
- repth: responsive and static layouts
- 1linelayouts: css layouts that can be used as base
- kalechips layout thrift store
- descriptionary: portraying emotions through writing
- ellipsus: gdocs alternative openly against genAI
- onestopforwriters: collection of reference materials for writing (made by the authors of the emotion thesaurus!)
- just a lkwrnl (lowkey writing-related newsletter): my favorite writing newsletter ♥
- jazzy180 (rentry): writeup about getting N1 in 8.5 months
- gitgud (rentry): actual and practical tips to gitgud in japanese
- an introduction to japanese by pomax: very dense yet informational japanese grammar book
- sundaysites: past instructions are also useful as site ideas
- hosts homepages and personal websites
- pantone colors: list of each color with their respective hex codes
- vdesigners font exchange (gdocs): compilation of fonts according to theme
- collection of websites with a curated collection of bookmarks
- tools for processing emotions and interpersonal interactions